International Association of Christian Schools (IACS) - provides accreditation for Christian schools, churches and ministries, with a mission of training and equipping followers of Christ for works of service. All applicants must present a completed application with all of the required documentation listed on the application. Upon verification, a letter of approval and a certificate of accreditation will be provided. Our member schools must first be ordained and accredited by God which is the only true standard for acceptance into Kingdom service. It is this standard that sets us up and beyond the rest. Our accrediting process is not based on man-made purposes or agendas, but based solely on the purpose and mandate of Christ... "to go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations." It is this authority by which we operate and function as an accrediting agency appointed and anointed to assist those who are called to fulfill the Great Commission given by Christ, until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God.
If you are looking for a secular (non-ministry related) education, it is advisable that you seek a secular school for your education and training, but if you are seeking a spirit-filled education and practical training in ministry and biblical studies that will equip you to teach, lead, and serve in Christian Ministry and promote the Gospel of the King of God, then our schools offer what we consider one of the best options available. The I.A.C.S. is not affiliated with, not seeks to be affiliated with any government agency and is designed solely for the expressed purpose of providing accreditation for member schools who are training and equipping followers of Christ for Christian service.
Cornerstone Theological Seminary - 08/2024
Disciples of Christ Bible College & Seminary - (05/2024)
Faith Bible College & Seminary - 05/2024
Grace Bible College & Seminary - (07/2024
Redeemed Bible College & Seminary - 07/2024
Salem Bible College - 06/2024
All school directors must have a ministry-related degree at least equal to the degree programs they are offering.
All officers and faculty of your school must exemplify good Christian character.
Immoral or unbecoming conduct by a staff or personal must not be tolerated.
You must be totally honest in your school advertisements, catalogs, etc. All promotional literature must be truthful.
All full-time instructors should possess an earned degree and must offer earned degrees.
Each school must maintain a web page/site that lists it's courses
Each school must maintain a permanent student record/transcript for graduates.
Faculty to student ratio must reflect a realistic workload.
Admission policies must be in accordance with anti-discrimination laws.
Institutions must provide students with a website, catalog, bulletin, or information sheet describing its programs of study.
The literature should not attempt to mislead students into believing that the I.A.C.S. is connected with any governmental agency.
All schools must be in general harmony with fundamentals Christian teachings.
On campus colleges must provide adequate classroom facilities to accommodate student needs.
Students must be advised of all fees, tuition, and refund policies if any prior to admission.
There should be a record keeping system to maintain files and student records.
Students shall have access to their own transcripts.
Schools must understand their vital relationship with local Churches.
Schools should be able to demonstrate a satisfactory period of ethical operation.
Submit annual membership fee of $125.00.
click here
email: iacsglobalschools@gmail.com