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"Where Vision Becomes Mission"

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Leadership Presentation

Certificate in Christian Leadership

Our Certificate in Christian Leadership is a six (6) month program of study which provides an exciting opportunity for students to develop and strengthen their leadership skills. It also provides students with tangible evidence of their leadership experiences to use out in the world. There are no prerequisites for this program of study. All students are accepted. Students will be required to complete student exams with at least a 60.0 minimum passing score and/or submit written assignments as directed by course instructor. Students study at their own pace, but must submit at least one student exam or assignment every 30 days in order to maintain active status.


3 Courses

(12 Semester Hours)




*This course is available online or by mail.

**This course is available only by mail (requires purchase of textbook)




  • $65.00 - per course.

  • $195.00 - full tuition.*



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